But anyway, I'm still here in Malaysia.
Saturday, 6 December 2014
London 1:51am
If I got the Cambridge interview for architecture, I will probably spending RM 5000 airplane ticket to London now. Alone, with all the architecture knowledge and my luggage, on the airplane, busy preparing for my interview which will held at Cambridge university at 8 of December. I will stay at one of the accomadation that arrange be admission office and enjoying the chilling freezing temperature there. Maybe I will get the chance to feel how snow is?
Wednesday, 3 December 2014
Is my life just consist of past year books?
I'm a January intake student. When the moment I register for Cambridge A-level programme, I have the mind set that this course will be super intense, tiring and stress. There will be no fun at all. The first day I stepped into Taylor's college, I knew there will be something different in my life. Why? The environment, people, lecturers here are much more different comparing with my secondary school. Imagine there's a full-apparatus lab that I can enjoy myself in it, there's a hug reflective center that I can settle down and carry our discussion with my friends,there's an extremely cold library that I stay back almost everyday to study. This amazed me at first.
Have to admit that, my A-level life, is just consist of stacks of different subjects past year books until now. I didn't join clubs. In my opinion, having an outstanding A-level result will secure me for a better future. This is the only way I can locate myself in a well-known university, the ticket to the future. So, at the Club Recruitment Day, I decided not to sign up for any clubs, I need to concentrate on my study. Am I regret now for not joining a single clubs? Yes I do. But my result prove to me that, yes my decision is right. I knew that I'm a responsible person. If I hold a position in club, I will try my best to get the task perfect. In between, I need to balance my time in study. I can't.
Do I have fun in the process of study? I would said that. Study is fun, I enjoy it to the limit especially with troop of fabulous buddies. They taught me a lot. Teamwork, hardworking, consistence performance, determination and etc. Throughout this one year, we sit back together to prepare for semester exam, AS trials examination and final examination. We buried ourself in tonnes of past year books, stayed back every night at college to struggle with books, wake up at 5:30am and head to college again. The chemistry between us build up invisibly. If you ask me, is this the life I want? I will say that, buddy, just one and a half year for us to struggle like this, why not?
You would proclaim that my A-level life is boring after reading this. But, let me tell you, I think that this is what I supposed to go through. For my future, for my architect dream, for me enter the top university, to prove to parents and lecturers, I need to do this. Do judge, I love my life now because I choose to go through it in this way. I knew that, in university, I will catch up the part I missed now.
Mata Palajaran Umum ( Malaysian Study)
As long as you're a Malaysian, you need to do this during your college level or university level.
I do this since the first month of college until now, it's already one year and it haven't end. For the past few years, students just need to do this for one semester, but when come to me, this is a disaster. You don't know how much I hate to attend this class. The contents are super boring and useless. Yea, it's about history of Malaysia, as a Malaysian I supposed to be patriotic enough and attended every single class. But what, A-level man, we got not enough time to struggle with biology, chemistry, psychology and etc and here come an extra.
Now, I am doing my third semester of Malaysian study, it's call personal development programme (PDP). Lecturer said it would definitely help us in our way of university application. But hold on, we already done our application and now we're just waiting for the university to reply us. What use with this anymore? Plus, it would help to develop our personality. Come on, we're teenager who know how to proceed our life, we know how to handle this.
For me, what important right now is my A2 final exam which will go on five months later and I haven't even on the half way of it. So please, stop this stupid programme. Nobody like it, don't waste our time and the lecturer's precious time. We appreciated it.
Sorry for being querulous.
I need this to shoo my bad mood away. Between Christmas is 23 days after!
Wednesday, 26 November 2014
I sent an email to Cambridge to confirm about my interview session which will occur in a couple of weeks. I had been swipe through my email this few days to make sure that I didn't miss out any single email from all the universities. But I get nothing from Newnham college and I wrote an email to them.
The reply I get is in my expectation. " We appreciate your hard work of applying to Cambridge. Your current academic historys were all well done. But we can't make it to interview you."
I didn't feel down when the moment I get this reply. My mind told me:" don't feel sorrow Michelle, at least you tried, at least you got the courage to try out this part that will definitely be a reminiscer in your future." I didn't regret to fill in COPA form three months ago. I still thanks to those who encourage me to do this.
Daddy mummy, don't worry about me. I'm still the A level student who doing well in life. Without this, my life still go on. I still can go into other reputable universities other than Cambridge. Sorry I wasted your money to apply and send in all the document to UK. But I know you guys are always with me, right?
Yes, getting into Cambridge is my dream. I won't let this dream fade out. Continue working hard in life is definite. Life still go on, this is just a tinny little part of life.
Believe every single thing that occur in myself, because I knew that it comes with a reason.
Architecture was still my dream, and I'm working towards it.
Tuesday, 25 November 2014
More than friend.
The one who I cherish the most in life other than my family members.
I was over the moon to meet you again because this is out of expectation. I cherish every moment for us to meet up and hang out because I knew that the counts for us to hang getting less and less.
I will go there again if there's a chance :D
Thanks for the every minute of happiness you gave me. I treasured it because it's hard to find another one like you at subang or other place else.
Monday, 10 November 2014
Take a break in the middle of hectic life.
After three weeks of antigenic concealment in hostel because of the A levels final exam, I missed my family so much. Miss the brothers, miss the selfie-daddy, miss the mummy.
They paid a short visit to subang last Saturday to send off my brother for an interview, and of course they brought me for an outing!
Seriously, I had missed a lot of fun time with them. I can't be beside them for 24-hour daily like before. This make me really cherish the time with them and no more quarrel between us. Because I knew that, every moment spent with them counted.
Haha. Yes, they bought me a new phone-iPhone 6! Idk they come here just to buy me a phone seriously. I didn't complaint about my phone before, I didn't demand for a new phone, but they said is time for me to change the old-style iPhone 4s. So, thanks mummy for the phone!
Don't know since when, my album is full of family selfie. They're addicted. To try off the future of the phone, they started to take tones of selfies with my phone. I think after this, my phone will be their personal camera. And that's the first group of photos in my phone :)
Time with parents and family counted. Be kind to them. Parents didn't owe us a thing, we as a kid does owe them something. Do our part, parents brought us to this world. We can't see the front story of our parents' life, they couldn't see our ending of life too.
cherish them :)
Wednesday, 5 November 2014
Journey to future.
I'm a Malaysian, A Level student as you knew.
Last few months, I'm busy preparing for my AS final examination and I need to catch up with my UCAS application. I'm a Cambridge applicants, so my due date to submit my UCAS will be way earlier than other. After attempting to fill in COPA, I have a deep feeling that UCAS is just a tiny sand comparing to COPA. Filing in COPA do need some time and effort, you really need to know about yourself, and what's your plan for the course that you're going to do in the next few years, what's the effort that you paid off in order to go into Cambridge to do this course. So, I put my application form to Newnham college, which is a girl's college. And now, I had sent off the written essays that they required and waiting for the short listing of interview! I'm over excited to be interview at UK in Cambridge itself if I get the interview invitation. I hope I can, joining Cambridge is not a preposterous thing, it just need a dream and your full effort.
"nothing is effortless"
For the others four universities - Bath, Cardiff, Newcastle and Sheffield. I had sent off my portfolio to them. I hope my portfolio with the title of " A Malaysian" will truly impressed them and give me a conditional offer to the particular university. I am not an art student in A level. So I hope that my artworks that I included in the portfolio are enough for them. Here is a short preview of my portfolio.
Monday, 3 November 2014
Be strong, my girl.
Do you think about these questions before?
" will you feel sad when your best friend is facing a life's dilemma?"
" when is your next meet up with your buddy?"
" will it be at a birthday function? Or a movie date?"
" the late one will go where?"
"How fragile a life is?"
I think that this is the only way to express my feeling now.
I don't know that our next meet is now, in your daddy's funeral. I knew you're sad, I knew you're depressed, I knew you miss everything about your daddy, I knew that how important daddy plays a role in a home, I knew how you feel. When the moment I get know of this message, I was stunned, I don't know what to do, what should I send to you to make you feel better. I cried, like seriously, like how I lost a relative or someone close to me. Although I didn't meet your daddy before this, I knew that he's the best man in your life. Although he never meet me before, I will let him know that I'm your bestie.
I don't know am I a good listener, am I a good companion, am I a good friend, but remember you're a little organ in my body. I definitely knew that I am not the one you will refer to when you're sad, but I will always be here for you. Definitely I will go oversea for my further study, and we will just meet up like once in a year at that moment, but please know that no one with the golden hair or fair good-looking guy can replace the position of you in my heart. Maybe I am not a good person to say to, because I don't know how to reply any single dilemma that you face. I must admit that I'm a kid full of happiness, I never meet such miserable thing in my life, I can't feel your exact feeling, but I can feel how sad you're. I can sit there spending my time with you, just a message, I will be there, if I could.
But my girl, cried when you need. Daddy will know you miss him. Don't always be the strongest girl among us, don't always wearing your mask, sometime, you can really have a rest and find a shoulder for you to count on. after this, live life like usual to let your daddy know that you're alright. You can help him to take a breath at this blue planet. My daddy always yours too!
" Any single angel who leave this world will bring another new soul around us."
" I can't feel what you feel, but I can feel your sadness and sorrowful. I offer my deepest condolence to uncle. BE STRONG, my strong-minded bestie."
" uncle Liew, rest in peace."
Thursday, 26 June 2014
A farewell card
If you read the last post, it was about a birthday card.
Now, I would like to show you a DIY handmade farewell card that I going to give my friend who will be soon fly to Melbourne for further study.
Nothing much to prepare, like what I mentioned last time: color paper, scissor, paper cutter, ruler , color pens, puncher and glue. Perhaps you need a 3D double-side tape to make the card look more real. Let's have an overall look with the materials that we needed.
Draw and cut the shape of everything up and glued them together! And you will get what like below.
Write the messages that you want to convey to your friend.
This is how it look for the inner part.
The concept of the inner part is Winter and Snow. Think of my friend who is going to fly over to Melbourne, there will be a real winter scenery. I make it into a card at first to let her think of me when come to winter :D
A birthday card
Hello everybody, yea I'm here again. I'm doing my semester exams for the past few weeks. So ya.
Think to surprise your friend with a handmade lovely birthday card? Thats the reason why I'm here today! I'm here to show you how to make a birthday card. It's actually an easy job.
First, do prepare the color papers, paper cutter, glu, scissor... And yup get yourself prepared!
And then,
Get yourself into the above web and you will get a clear image how to get this done.
This is what you can see in the website. It's amazing right?
If you have any doubt, do click the video and you will find it easy. Start to worry about how to draw the shap and cut it out? Rest assured! There's a ready-made modal for you!
Click the link below the DESCARGAS and you will get what you want for.
This is what I made for my Aunty for her birthday! Just make some simple decorations and it will look exactly good and enchanting!
Is time to make one for your love one!
And remember to like their Facebook for more fantastic handmade card tutorials!
Just simply search for : JeGuRiDoS
Friday, 25 April 2014
UEM scholarship
This will not be a lengthy post. I just wanna to express my feeling when I get to attend this fabulous scholarship interview.
I'm very very glad to say that, I thank UEM (United Engeneering Malaysia) for giving me this opportunity to go for their scholarship interview. I'm sure that there is a special attractition point in each of us to let us shone out of the 3000 applicants. Yea, so I'm pretty proud even when I'm shortlisted to the first stage of UEM scholarship interview. When the moment I step into the HQ of UEM in KL central, I knew that, this will be an extremely amazing journey for me to explore. This is where my train of future kicked off.
I'm totally frustrated during the first stage of interview when I getting an essay question that I don't even know what is that. But, still I gonna to write the essay in a 2 full pages, I did it. I go for the individual interview after the essay writing. Frankly speaking that everyone get the different question about the current issues in Malaysia and we are simply writing something that we don't really know about. Knock, knock... I enter the room. The interview room is not as scary as what we thought of. There are three panels inside, just smile, perform yourself, show the true you and everything will be okay. They will know your passion and enthusiasms towards what you did throughout the session. I do say that it was a wonderful 45 minutes in the interview room. Just imagine that you're chit chatting with three persons about yourself. They wanted to get know with you, they are interested with you. And you gonna sell yourself in a proper way within the limited time. I am glad that, throughout the moment in the interview session, I enjoyed it much. Believe me, it's not scary and spooky at all, just remember to smile with them :D A sincere smile will guide you all the way to success.
The week after the interview, I receive a call form Abg Khairul informed that I had been shotlisted to the second stage. That time, I was freeze out. I feel like that's just something really out of my expectation. But yeah, I tell myself :" Michelle, this is a golden opportunity that god gives you to explore more in this world." I went for the 2nd stage which is group assessment. I met troop of geniuses and yeah I enjoy the day. Elsie, shyamin, Patrik, Mun and Daniel, my alliances throughout the day. Each of them showed their special personality that had amazed me.
Still about group assessment. We started our ice breaking. Dextrous is our group name. Danial is our group leader. Activity one, we had given a crime scene - 2 died bodies, opened window, water on floor, pieces of glass on the floor. We had given 30 minutes to create a story that suit this case. From the past experience, I knew that time management play an enormous role. I acted as a waiteress and died body in the activity. And yeah, our group get the best group for this activity. Activity 2, advertised product. Our group get baby products and clothes as our selling stuffs. When they get the question, straight ways without hesitating, their fingers pointed to me to be the baby in the advertisement. Okay, I'm fine with that. We ended up having lots of fun in that activity and I saw the supreme potential hidden in other group members.
The day after group assessment, 36 of us are going for the individual interview with the " high-ranked" person of UEM. I am the second people who go into the interview room. Noting to worried. I hold the book of certificates tightly and confidently in my hand, smiled naturally, and headed into the room after a couple of door knocking. The interviewer, Pn Rubaiha, the chief executive officer of UEM interviewed me. She looks friendly and yet wisdom. I did answer all their questions sincerely. Think before you answer. Answer something that in your opinion, be yourself. Remember, they want to get know to you and you're going to persuade them to choose you as the candidates of scholarship. 25 minutes of interview passed just a blink of eyes. Finger crossing and hope that I had amazed them.
I hope that this is not the last chance to enter the lift of UEM building and signing my signature on the registration list. 7 out of 36, am I the outstanding one?
Glad to be 100 out of the 3000 applicants.
I'm very very glad to say that, I thank UEM (United Engeneering Malaysia) for giving me this opportunity to go for their scholarship interview. I'm sure that there is a special attractition point in each of us to let us shone out of the 3000 applicants. Yea, so I'm pretty proud even when I'm shortlisted to the first stage of UEM scholarship interview. When the moment I step into the HQ of UEM in KL central, I knew that, this will be an extremely amazing journey for me to explore. This is where my train of future kicked off.
Thanks god for guiding me well in the first stage of interview
I'm totally frustrated during the first stage of interview when I getting an essay question that I don't even know what is that. But, still I gonna to write the essay in a 2 full pages, I did it. I go for the individual interview after the essay writing. Frankly speaking that everyone get the different question about the current issues in Malaysia and we are simply writing something that we don't really know about. Knock, knock... I enter the room. The interview room is not as scary as what we thought of. There are three panels inside, just smile, perform yourself, show the true you and everything will be okay. They will know your passion and enthusiasms towards what you did throughout the session. I do say that it was a wonderful 45 minutes in the interview room. Just imagine that you're chit chatting with three persons about yourself. They wanted to get know with you, they are interested with you. And you gonna sell yourself in a proper way within the limited time. I am glad that, throughout the moment in the interview session, I enjoyed it much. Believe me, it's not scary and spooky at all, just remember to smile with them :D A sincere smile will guide you all the way to success.
Jubilant for receiving the call to second group assessment
The week after the interview, I receive a call form Abg Khairul informed that I had been shotlisted to the second stage. That time, I was freeze out. I feel like that's just something really out of my expectation. But yeah, I tell myself :" Michelle, this is a golden opportunity that god gives you to explore more in this world." I went for the 2nd stage which is group assessment. I met troop of geniuses and yeah I enjoy the day. Elsie, shyamin, Patrik, Mun and Daniel, my alliances throughout the day. Each of them showed their special personality that had amazed me.
36 out of 100
Still about group assessment. We started our ice breaking. Dextrous is our group name. Danial is our group leader. Activity one, we had given a crime scene - 2 died bodies, opened window, water on floor, pieces of glass on the floor. We had given 30 minutes to create a story that suit this case. From the past experience, I knew that time management play an enormous role. I acted as a waiteress and died body in the activity. And yeah, our group get the best group for this activity. Activity 2, advertised product. Our group get baby products and clothes as our selling stuffs. When they get the question, straight ways without hesitating, their fingers pointed to me to be the baby in the advertisement. Okay, I'm fine with that. We ended up having lots of fun in that activity and I saw the supreme potential hidden in other group members.
Step into UEM building once again in life
The day after group assessment, 36 of us are going for the individual interview with the " high-ranked" person of UEM. I am the second people who go into the interview room. Noting to worried. I hold the book of certificates tightly and confidently in my hand, smiled naturally, and headed into the room after a couple of door knocking. The interviewer, Pn Rubaiha, the chief executive officer of UEM interviewed me. She looks friendly and yet wisdom. I did answer all their questions sincerely. Think before you answer. Answer something that in your opinion, be yourself. Remember, they want to get know to you and you're going to persuade them to choose you as the candidates of scholarship. 25 minutes of interview passed just a blink of eyes. Finger crossing and hope that I had amazed them.
I hope that this is not the last chance to enter the lift of UEM building and signing my signature on the registration list. 7 out of 36, am I the outstanding one?
Thursday, 10 April 2014
The caregivers
Hello, well I'm here to recommend you a impressive and touching drama which reflect something that this society lacking of. The caregivers, a Singapore drama ( 20 episodes ). The things I like Sg drama so much is it is really educational, moralistic and not lengthy!
Yang Hao Tian is the only male nurse in a medical center, highly praised by patients who call him Mr. Missy. The medical center recognizes his efforts and presents the “Best Nurse” award to him. The day of the awards ceremony also happens to be the day Fang Yi Ting, a female doctor, newly joins the medical center. Yi Ting leaves a deep impression on Hao Tian from the first moment he sees her. Hao Tian, is a very kind-heart nurse. For him, his career is not just being a simple nurse, but a people that give extra care to every patients that he met. For him, the patient is equivalent to his family members. Because of his characteristic, some of the people will say that he is too enthusiasms in helping people and sometime he does scold by people. However, he never give up pf his patients even he get scold by people that his a stupid who did all useless job that out of his scope. But, his joke, his patience toward patients do melt every people heart. The aged and stubborn patients will lastly accept him and like him so much.
If you are interested in this drama,do search it online or watch by using an apps [PPS]. It was a really impressive and touching movie that reflected an awesome characteristic that people nowadays had neglected. Throughout the drama, you will know that how precious your caring toward the society, how to build a sibling-hood and also a lovely love story between a nurse and a doctor.
Yang Hao Tian, the main character of this drama. |
Yang Hao Tian is the only male nurse in a medical center, highly praised by patients who call him Mr. Missy. The medical center recognizes his efforts and presents the “Best Nurse” award to him. The day of the awards ceremony also happens to be the day Fang Yi Ting, a female doctor, newly joins the medical center. Yi Ting leaves a deep impression on Hao Tian from the first moment he sees her. Hao Tian, is a very kind-heart nurse. For him, his career is not just being a simple nurse, but a people that give extra care to every patients that he met. For him, the patient is equivalent to his family members. Because of his characteristic, some of the people will say that he is too enthusiasms in helping people and sometime he does scold by people. However, he never give up pf his patients even he get scold by people that his a stupid who did all useless job that out of his scope. But, his joke, his patience toward patients do melt every people heart. The aged and stubborn patients will lastly accept him and like him so much.
He is also a person that didn't know how to refuse people. Perhaps this is the biggest weakness of him. People does advise him not to be so caring towards everyone, but he just can't control himself from being soaked in the patient's family problems. He faces many dilemmas when coming to patient's family members, but he still continues giving his warm smile toward them. When coming to the end of the drama, his junior, xiao xue falls in love with him. Hao Tian still blur about the feeling of xiao xue toward him but he can't afford to refuse xiao xue's love towards him. Nevertheless, in his heart, he knew that he has firmly loves Doctor Fang. Because of Doctor Fang's grandpa, who does not accept him, he feels so insecure in the relationship. The only thing he knows is he will always be Doctor Fang side no matter anything happen. At last, because of his kindness and the care that given by him to Doctor Fang when she was on the sickbed, Doctor Fang was very sure that Hao Tiao is the guy who can take care of her although Hao Tiao doesn't has a good family background and a high financial status...
Fang Yi Ting, the new doctor for the medical center. |
Xiao Xue, the junior of Hao Tiao |
Do spend some time for this in this weekend to get know the interesting details of the story
: D Hope you enjoy watching.
* for those who did not understand Chinese, rest assured, it was a English sub title down there.
Tuesday, 8 April 2014
Car driving test
This Is the very first time I sit for car test (undang) and yet, it's the last one. Because I passed! Yaya...
Woke up at the early morning, took some time to settle down myself and did a set of questions again. I was damn scare of it actually. Agonizing stuff to wait for the moment to reach. I sat there, at the centre. Passed up my identity card and the continuous stuff bla bla bla...
Then, I took over my book and start to read. My attention catch by a foreigner girl. Basically is a golden hairs, fair girl, probably a ang mo( foreigner girl) right. Yea, I start my conversation with her. No doubt, I am as friendly as that to recognize new friend at anyway, any circumstance. No harm to know them right?
: Hello
: hello. Nice to meet you.
: you stay at Malaysia? A Malaysian?
: yea. I am here around 8years. Saya tak tau bahasa melayu ( I don't know bahasa melayu in BM)
: your parents also here?
: yeah. My mum is Beijing people and daddy is from Hungary.
: awh. That's good. So you're 18?
: nice to meet you once again.
Our conversation beamed at this point. I was glad to know the girl. The point I love to talk with foreigner is that my heart can melt by their enthusiasm. Unlike typical Malaysian, some of them are shy to get know with other, just live in their comfort zone.
Okay. This is a small part of my car driving test.
After five minutes of conversation with her, I stepped myself into the room. Sat at table number 2, clicked all the answer as fast as possible since all the questions were read by me before :D after rechecking all my answer, I sumitted the questions sheet.
And yeap, I passed first part of my car test.
Friday, 4 April 2014
This will be a quick post.
Yesterday 11 in the morning, I receive an anonymous from 0326xxxxxx. Yeah. No ideal about that. I thought it was call from inti or something else to promote their course. Okay. Well. I picked up the phone in a sleepy mood ( I just woke up )
:Hello, can I speak to Leong SY.
:Yes I'm.
:I'm xxx from BNM.
: Congratulation I will like to inform you that you had been short listed to the BNM aced any awards. Can you check your email and confirm with us...
:Okay. Hold on. I receive your email.
:Okay. See you there tomorrow!

He end up the phone. I was like, is it me? Really? Out of thousands of applicant for the scholarship, I had been short listed among the hundreds? Awh.
i'm proud of myself. yea.
Friend said at least our high school got one people
get the extremely fabulous chance to go for this kind of "cosmopolitan" interview camp.
Their compliment really make sense for me.
I will try my best for it. REALLY
Go there with a relax mood, smile, be yourself, and everything will be good.
good luck, szeyee!
Wednesday, 2 April 2014
Instagram will do
Let's talk about instagram, a site full of photo.
To me, I updated more on instagram than Facebook. No offense.
Facebook had been fluttered with nasty and nonsense nowadays, in my opinion then.
Instagram, is a simple and easy to handle app. Uploaded photo is the only step to do. I believe that through every single photo, it can represent our mood more. Yeah, I'm that king of people that
Ike photos than wordy stuff.
So do follow me on my instagram: im_ichelle_ian
Here we go!
Best friend yet
Do have best friend in life? at least until now, I have.
Don't ask me who is she/he. to be best friend, what is the requirement for it? Is it like an interview? Is it like a fool? or just a simply saying best friend? DO ask yourself, you have a best friend?
Best friend is the one who will still with you when the world abandon you. Is it? Best friend is the one who tapped your shoulder when you're in dilemma. Yet, they will firstly speaking sarcastically, but their intention is to comfort you as you know. Is it? Best friend also can be the one who chatting with you when you need someone to talk, although the whole world is snoozing. Best friend is the one who involved in your life event and felt proud with you but not the one who knew you life event. Best friend is the one who can enter your room although your room is not in a proper way. Best friend is the one who you can share your secret with without worries. Is it? Yeah. In my opinion, that is. Best friend would be like your sister. As a picture said : God bring us to be best friend because mummy can't afford to take care of the two sisters. Another tweet mention that : best fried is forever, they won't leave although they are physically leaving us.
In the past few years, I have meet mine. Best sister. We did not live in a same city, we did not call each other everyday, we did not even meet every month, yet, when we know each other are in difficulties, a message will do. A warm greeting. Even she did not reply, but I knew she felt the meaning of it.
Best friend is about believe, faith, sincere.
she is the tall one , I'm the short one.
Tuesday, 25 March 2014
As mention, yes I study in taylos now. The super extrem high-costed college, as other said. Well say, it really seem like people over here have a high financial status, high sense of fashion, etc. but, there are someone who are exactly the synonym of that. They are not that fashion, not that arrogant, and smart. They come in taylors with scholarship or even full scholar holder. Joining with all these friends will make yourself intent to study and study and catch up with them.
Yeah, that's Taylor's life. Either you choose to be the Fashion-gang, or nerdy gang. Is better to be nerd :D let's talk about my life now. Recently, better to say this week, our lecturers were like crazy. Imagine there is 4 tests and 1 assement in 3 days, it drove you crazy right? But think another way round, it's better to settle down all these tests before sem-break start so we can really enjoy? Perhaps. Study-sleep-study-sleep and study. That's my life here in hostel. Unlike what lecturer said that those who are out station will go for pub and shopping everyday since that I'm not that kind of people who well in all this social life.
Tests, tested your capability and your knowledge in certain subject. Learnt from the wrong now, make it correct next time.
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