Friday, 25 April 2014

UEM scholarship

This will not be a lengthy post. I just wanna to express my feeling when I get to attend this fabulous scholarship interview.

Glad to be 100 out of the 3000 applicants. 

I'm very very glad to say that, I thank UEM (United Engeneering Malaysia) for giving me this opportunity to go for their scholarship interview. I'm sure that there is a special attractition point in each of us to let us shone out of the 3000 applicants. Yea, so I'm pretty proud even when I'm shortlisted to the first stage of UEM scholarship interview. When the moment I step into the HQ of UEM in KL central, I knew that, this will be an extremely amazing journey for me to explore. This is where my train of future kicked off.

Thanks god for guiding me well in the first stage of interview 

I'm totally frustrated during the first stage of interview when I getting an essay question that I don't even know what is that. But, still I gonna to write the essay in a 2 full pages, I did it. I go for the individual interview after the essay writing. Frankly speaking that everyone get the different question about the current issues in Malaysia and we are simply writing something that we don't really know about. Knock, knock... I enter the room. The interview room is not as scary as what we thought of. There are three panels inside, just smile, perform yourself, show the true you and everything will be okay. They will know your passion and enthusiasms towards what you did throughout the session. I do say that it was a wonderful 45 minutes in the interview room. Just imagine that you're chit chatting with three persons about yourself. They wanted to get know with you, they are interested with you. And you gonna sell yourself in a proper way within the limited time. I am glad that, throughout the moment in the interview session, I enjoyed it much. Believe me, it's not scary and spooky at all, just remember to smile with them :D A sincere smile will guide you all the way to success.

Jubilant for receiving the call to second group assessment 

The week after the interview, I receive a call form Abg Khairul informed that I had been shotlisted to the second stage. That time, I was freeze out. I feel like that's just something really out of my expectation. But yeah, I tell myself :" Michelle, this is a golden opportunity that god gives you to explore more in this world." I went for the 2nd stage which is group assessment. I met troop of geniuses and yeah I enjoy the day. Elsie, shyamin, Patrik, Mun and Daniel, my alliances throughout the day. Each of them showed their special personality that had amazed me.

36 out of 100 

Still about group assessment. We started our ice breaking. Dextrous is our group name. Danial is our group leader. Activity one, we had given a crime scene - 2 died bodies, opened window, water on floor, pieces of glass on the floor. We had given 30 minutes to create a story that suit this case. From the past experience, I knew that time management play an enormous role. I acted as a waiteress and died body in the activity. And yeah, our group get the best group for this activity. Activity 2, advertised product. Our group get baby products and clothes as our selling stuffs. When they get the question, straight ways without hesitating, their fingers pointed to me to be the baby in the advertisement. Okay, I'm fine with that. We ended up having lots of fun in that activity and I saw the supreme potential hidden in other group members.

Step into UEM building once again in life 

The day after group assessment, 36 of us are going for the individual interview with the " high-ranked" person of UEM. I am the second people who go into the interview room. Noting to worried. I hold the book of certificates tightly and confidently in my hand, smiled naturally, and headed into the room after a couple of door knocking. The interviewer, Pn Rubaiha, the chief executive officer of UEM interviewed me. She looks friendly and yet wisdom. I did answer all their questions sincerely. Think before you answer. Answer something that in your opinion, be yourself. Remember, they want to get know to you and you're going to persuade them to choose you as the candidates of scholarship. 25 minutes of interview passed just a blink of eyes. Finger crossing and hope that I had amazed them.


I hope that this is not the last chance to enter the lift of UEM building and signing my signature on the registration list. 7 out of 36, am I the outstanding one?


  1. Did you receive the scholarship ?
    I really wish you luck! :D

  2. Hi, this are the latest(2018) for the UEM scholarship (SPM Leavers)

    1st Stage Interview:

    2nd Stage Interview:
