Since the starting of winter, we have been called to reset our clock so that the time falls back an hour.
I born in a tropical country, a country which has summer throughout the year.
Before I bring my foot to UK, I learn summer, spring, autumn, winter in the english lesson, without knowing how they feel like and what's the different. Before I bring my body to UK, I thought that I can stand the changes of temperate by just wearing a jacket during winter and take it off during spring. Before I bring my eyes to UK, I thought the moon back home is smaller and dimmer than oversea's. Before I bring my soul to UK, I don't know that night can replace day at the time of 4:00pm and sun only sneak out from the clouds at 8:30am. Before I bring my skin to UK, I never realise that how a 0 or -1 degree celsius atmosphere feels like because I too used to the 30 degree celsius burning weather back home.
Waking up, first thing to do is to pull the curtain and see if the sun rose, but not looking at the phone to check the time. I think this is the biggest different.